LETTERS have been sent out to groups in Swindon asking them to come up with ideas for Isambard Kingdom Brunel's birthday.

To celebrate the 200th anniversary of his birthday on April 9, 2006 a series of celebrations are being planned across the south west.

Swindon Council wants to hear from any groups who have an idea for the bash.

A spokesman said: "We are keen to work with everyone all ages, interests and communities.

"Projects can involve film and photography, exhibitions, industrial archaeology, visual and performing arts, re-enactments and festivals.

"All ideas will be welcomed provided they are imaginative, open, inclusive, achievable, and most important of all, clearly and strongly linked to Brunel and Swindon's heritage."

Organisers are hoping to arrange a weekend festival in the Railway Village, Faringdon Park and the Railway Works as well as a spectacular finale show.

For more information phone 01793 466544.