A SIXTEEN-year-old who has sacrificed everything for a place in Swindon's own Fame Academy says she will be devastated if it is forced to close.

Lauren Newman left her home, family and friends behind in Birm-ingham so she could study on the two year Foundation Dance Course based in the Town Hall in Regent Circus.

But all the upheaval of moving alone to a new town at just 16 would have been wasted for Lauren if a decision by the Learning Skills Council to withdraw funding from the course for next year forces it to close.

Yesterday North Swindon MP Michael Wills visited students on the course and promised to do everything he could to save it.

Lauren said: "Before I came here I tried to find a suitable course in Birm-ingham but there was nothing.

"Eventually I rang here and said 'you've got to help'.

"They let me come in for an audition and within a week I found out I had a place and I'd be moving to Swindon.

"It was pretty tough leaving my friends and family and I really miss them.

"But when I'm in class and I'm doing what I love I know it's worth it.

"It's the best teaching I've ever had and I've learned so much here about my body and about dance."

Lauren, who has been dancing since she was just three years-old, hopes to become a professional dancer, but knows her hopes will be dashed if the course shuts.

Swindon College has already said that it cannot support the course for 2005/6 because of the withdrawal of funding by the LSC.

Lauren said: "It would be just awful I'd have to go back to Birmingham and I've no idea what I'd do.

"There are no other courses like this one and I am not ready to go to a professional dance school yet.

"I don't know how they are even considering withdrawing the funding."

Michael Wills says he has been badgering Government ministers to restore the funding for the course.

During his visit he told the dancers: "In my view it is madness that there should be a question mark over the future of this course.

"I'm really sorry that everything is so uncertain for you.

"It must be very unsettling but we will do the very best we can to sort this out.

"You all deserve the chance to fulfil your dreams."

The LSC has said the course does not meet its criteria but it has agreed to fund it for 2004/5 to allow for alternative funding to be found.

The organisation says it is working with everyone concerned to help them to maintain the course.

Diana Milne