I read with great interest the letter of Councillor C. Lovell (Friday, March 18) regarding the siting of a mobile telephone mast and the political tirade that he gave vent to.

It is a pity he does not read the Council Member's Bulletin, that is published each week with the same amount of interest.

If he had he would have seen a planning application for this mast. Each week in the bulletin planning applications and planning decisions are published, among many other items of interest for the benefit of members and obviously eventually for the people they represent.

Can I suggest to Councillor Lovell that he opens and reads his bulletin in future before engaging his mouth and pen as I am sure this would be of more benefit to the people he represents. For his information the Members Bulletin can also be accessed via the council web site he could find it a very interesting document. I do.

D Benfield

Covingham Park, Swindon