WE owe Lord Stoddart a vote of thanks for drawing attention to the fluoridation threat (Advertiser, March 10).

Your article was a wake-up call to parents who have been hoodwinked into a false sense of security about fluoride.

It is an industrial waste product, not a medicine, more poisonous than lead and only slightly less than arsenic. It has been shown to be harmful to humans at less than one part per million the level proposed in drinking water.

It accumulates in a child's bones, damages tooth enamel and inhibits vital antibodies from forming in the blood. The prospect of Thames Water being invited to fluoridate our water is a nightmare.

We mustn't let fluoridation be sneaked into our reservoirs. Our children already consume far too many harmful chemicals without adding this pollutant to their diet. Teach them to eat fewer sweets and brush their teeth regularly (with non-fluoride toothpaste) instead!

