Picture Ref: 77589-11CAMPAIGNERS are celebrating after councillors turned their noses up at plans for a Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant in North Swindon.

Residents of Ash Brake turned out in force to hear whether KFC would be allowed to open a drive-thru restaurant at the entrance to their estate on Thamesdown Drive.

And although the planning committee did not make a final decision on the application councillors made it clear they were firmly against the idea.

To make sure they would be able to defend their decision against any appeal by the fast food company councillors deferred the application so that they could put together a strong case.

Barrie Card was one of many delighted residents after the meeting.

"I am elated that the committee saw the sense to listen to the local residents and vote in our favour," he said.

"A drive-thru restaurant would encourage litter, pollution and noise.

"It should not be in the middle of a quiet residential area."

Residents had packed the council chamber, clapping and cheering during the debate.

And several had asked questions about the plans, which also include an application to build a car repair garage on the same vacant site.

Coun Justin Tomlinson (Con, Abbey Meads), who last week organised a public meeting about the development, had asked the committee to at least consider deferring its decision until members had a chance to visit the site.

But he was overjoyed when the councillors showed they were firmly against the plans.

"I am absolutely delighted," said Coun Tomlinson after the meeting.

"This shows that the council is prepared to listen to local people's concerns.

"Common sense has prevailed to protect this quiet residential area from needless development."

And he was happy that a final decision had been delayed to make sure the right reasons were given for refusing the application.

"It is right and proper as we would not want to lose an appeal, being so close to victory," he said.

"This is a great night for local residents."

Isabel Field