DOUBTS over the future of Malmesbury Town Hall has contributed to the Citizens' Advice Bureau reducing its hours on Wednesdays.

Sheila Venn, bureau manager, said North Wiltshire District Council's decision to sell the building had created a climate of uncertainty in the town.

She said dwindling numbers of callers, and the fact some some people found it a struggle to negotiate steps before reaching the bureau office on the first floor, had also influenced the decision to reduce opening times.

The bureau is normally open from 10am to 3pm on Wednesday but now it will shut its doors at 1pm.

Miss Venn said: "It's unsettling for everybody. We are very grateful to the town council who don't charge us. We have looked for alternative accommodation without success.

"We are very sorry that we have had to make this change. We know the majority of clients seek advice before 1pm and we believe a three hour service will meet the needs of most.

She said the situation would be reviewed in six months time.

Town councillor Martin Snell said: "We have to safeguard the town hall. Nobody really knows what is going on and all our services are going further afield."