GAZETTE & HERALD: The designers of a new school and community hall for Hilmarton have been sent to the bottom of the class because plans for the new building don't look good enough.

Members of North Wiltshire District Council's development control committee agreed on Wednesday that they appreciated the need for the new hall but said the plans on the table did not meet their expectations for an important building in a conservation area.

Officers had recommended refusing the plans outright but members decided to defer making a decision for further discussions and a rethink of the design.

The site lies within the Hilmarton Conservation Area, and the proposed hall is described as utilitarian in design, made of rendered blockwork and a Chinese natural slate roof.

Officers described the design as bulky and squat, and owing little to the vernacular style of the village or to the character of the listed school. Overall the design and appearance were considered poor.

Coun Christine Crisp said: "This is extremely disappointing. The building will be with the village a long time, so we need to achieve the best design that we can and I don't think this is it."

Ward member Coun David Evans said: "We have identified the need for a school hall and community facility, and the parish council fully supports it. But I would ask for the application to be deferred to improve the design."

The proposed hall, in Church Road, would have a capacity of 110 and also serve as a local community facility. The building would include a meeting room, changing facilities and a kitchen, with 30 parking spaces provided.

The parish council has no objections but local residents had protested about inadequate parking, noise and light pollution at night and the loss of public open space.

Urban design officers at the district council raised concerns about the building's design, use of inappropriate materials and the lack of consideration for sustainability for the generations of children who would learn and spend time in it.