POLICE and parish councillors at Little Cheverell, near Devizes, have joined forces in calling for information on a spate of vandalism that has plagued the village over the last two months.

On Saturday morning villagers awoke to another trail of criminal damage through their village.

They found plant pots smashed, milk bottles broken and road signs damaged or even ripped out.

Dauntsey's School, just half a mile from the village, has also suffered incidents of vandalism, thefts and anti-social behaviour in the past few weeks.

George Hockley, chairman of Little Cheverell parish council, said: "It usually happens on a Friday or Saturday night.

"It is totally mindless vandalism and people around here are getting heartily sick of it.

"If anyone knows who is responsible for this, I would urge them to contact the police.

"We need to put a stop to this as soon as possible."

Anyone with any knowledge of the offenders is asked to contact WPC Anne Deuchars at Devizes police station on (01380) 722141 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.