I write in response to the item pertaining to Burbage Village Hall AGM (Gazette, May 5) which unfortunately I missed through being on holiday.

I have spoken to many people who, like me, found the survey confusing and misleading. Only in small print was it mentioned that if villagers wanted any hall of any kind, they would have to be prepared to give up part of the recreation ground to a housing estate.

This, coupled with the fact that Burbage probably doesn't need another housing estate, there is already planning consent for a development on the old Manor Farm site, and the village school has an ever increasing number of mobile classrooms as it isn't big enough, I think makes it unnecessary.

The survey result apparently also stated that 40 per cent wanted refurbishment and 60 per cent wanted a new hall. I know people who stated that if it meant a housing estate, they would be prepared to have no village hall at all, and use the church hall.

I remain absolutely convinced that if a survey were conducted in Burbage asking residents the direct question: "Are you prepared to give up one of the only remaining areas of green recreational land in the centre of the village to a housing development?" The answer would be a resounding "NO!"

P Burt
