WHO needs a university? Well Swindon does, the benefits would be a real boost to the town as well as industry and we might even get that new library that the town has been promised, for how long?

What I cannot understand is why are we debating the overspill of Bath University, on a green field site at Swindon's cherished Coate Water, I've obviously missed the point somewhere.

When I think of universities I see majestic buildings such as Bristol, Bath and Oxford. We won't be seeing that in the town but it doesn't mean there can't be a University of Swindon.

Now the question of where should it be located. Well it could be over a number of sites, heaven knows the amount of empty industrial and office space around the town waiting to be regenerated. What an opportunity, not to be missed.

Yes, lets have a University of Swindon, but leave the green fields for some breathing space.


