TWO conmen stole cash from a 62-year-old man after talking their way into his home.

The pair stole £165 in the distraction burglary in Marston Meysey on Saturday.

The burglary happened at around 12.30pm when the two men called at the victim's house claiming to be from the water board and engaged him in conversation about local water pressure.

Eventually the man, who lives on his own, became suspicious of the callers and they left.

But the man later found cash had been taken from his wallet in his bedroom.

The first man was described as white, aged between 30 and 40, around 5ft 6ins tall and well built. He had short straight black hair and was wearing a blue shirt and jeans.

The second man was also white, around 25 to 35 years old, 5ft 8ins tall and quite well built. He had short fair hair and wore a long sleeved beige-coloured top.

Anyone with information about is urged to call PC Martin Rae at Wiltshire police on 01225 763101.