SAVE Coate? Who are we fighting against? I have read many articles and letters about this and cannot understand why so many views in favour are from outsiders. People who aren't prepared to put their money where their mouth is and actually live in Swindon.

Just like the Front Garden, it seems the majority against the development are from Swindon and the majority in favour are from outside.

I will agree with many correspondents who ask where is democracy. We are being dictated to by unelected committees and others who have a financial interest.

My feelings are to tell the University of Bath to go somewhere else.

They've already caused us a great deal of expense and upset by moving to the Oakfield campus.

Swindon was and still is one of the fastest growing towns in Europe without them so why do we need them now. I suggest it's the University that needs us more than we need them. After all they are not really a University just a glorified Polytechnic.

