A NEW project to get minds bubbling with ideas has been launched in Swindon.

The Great Western Enterprises scheme aims to show how networking plays a key part in the innovation process.

Called Netmap, the project saw the interviewing of more than 150 business-networking groups across the south west region and these interviews gave the Netmap team an insight into how the various groups were organised and how they are working together.

It has also helped them to identify best practice procedures, which was then used to form a 'charter for effective networking'.

The information generated from this research is now being used to create a computer programme.

This features a 'toolkit' and workshops to help networks develop more innovative behaviour.

It means that managers will be able to identify good practice in network management, structure and communication strategies and then translate them to their own organisations.

These resources will be made available to networks in November 2005 and will be preceded by a number of training workshops across the south west during October.

"Innovation is widely acknowledged as an important tool for raising regional productivity and improving economic performance," said Angela Hays, regeneration development executive at Great Western Enterprise.

"Our study has allowed us to improve understanding of the existing business networks running in the south west, their needs and their procedures.

Our Netmap programme will enable the managers of these networks to encourage their members to use effective practice procedures to build on their innovation capacity and develop innovative behaviours among businesses in the south west."

It is all part of Great Western Enterprises work with small and medium sized businesses and other organisations to help create and sustain economic growth in the area.

Network groups based in the region interested in learning how the Netmap programme can benefit them and their members, or receiving a Netmap 1 findings report summary should contact Angela Hays on 01225 712317 or by e-mail at: angela.hays@greatwesternenterprise.co.uk

Anthony Osborne