AT less than two weeks old, Sidney Crummack is dressed in clothes made for a baby of three months.

When he was born, Sidney could barely fit into his maternity ward cot and his birth weight gave everyone, including his mum Becky, a shock.

Sidney tipped the scales at a whopping 12lb 7oz - which is likely to make him Salisbury's biggest baby.

"No one could believe it - we had no idea he would be so big," said Mrs Crummack (34).

"His sister, Nancy, was 7lb 15oz, and myself and my husband are only 5ft 7in.

"The doctors and midwife were amazed as well - they kept coming to look at him and everyone said they had never seen a baby who was so big."

It was only when Sidney's proud grandmother Janis Crummack saw her giant grandson that she remembered there had been another big baby in the family.

"When my brother's son, Bret Duffield, was born 21 years ago, he was 12lb 7oz too," she said.

"That was at Salisbury hospital as well - they must share the record."

Sidney was born by caesarean section on July 22, after his mum had been in labour for more than 24 hours.

"I tried, but there was no other way," said Mrs Crummack. "The anaesthetist and the midwife were placing bets on how heavy he might be.

"Everyone, including the cleaner who had worked in the hospital for 19 years, said he was the biggest baby they had ever seen.

"We couldn't believe it when they put him on the scales and he was 12lb 7oz - my husband Steve was amazed, too.

"We've had to get him new clothes - the ones he's wearing are for a baby of three to six months because the clothes we had for him don't fit.

"He was 60cm long when he was born and he filled his cot in the hospital."

Sidney might be a bumper baby but he is tiny in comparison with Britain's largest-ever newborn, Guy Warrick, of Cumbria, who was a substantial 15lb 8oz when he arrived in 1992.

Now at home in Bishopstone, Sidney is thriving and eating and sleeping well.

"We don't know if he'll continue to grow at such a fast rate and be really tall," said Mrs Crummack.

"But he's doing really well and we've just about got over the shock of his size."