Colerne Parish Council chairman Richard Tonge congratulates handyman Bill Dyer (17383/3)CHIPPENHAM NEWS: A HANDYMAN has been praised for all his hard work in helping Colerne win the Best Kept Village award.

Colerne scooped the prize for the large village category and parish council chairman, Richard Tonge, said thanks are due to handyman Bill Dyer.

"He looks after all the odd jobs in the village," said Cllr Tonge.

"He sweeps the leaves up in the winter and puts up road signs that fall down. It always looks fantastic."

He said Mr Dyer's hard work has brushed off on other residents, who pick up litter dropped on the ground and take pride in their village.

"It is important for a village as it brings the community together and there is such a sense satisfaction about it," he said.

The village won £150, which will be presented by the Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire, John Bush, on October 9 and will be spent on grants for local groups.

They will also get a plaque, which will be put up in Colerne's market place.

Cllr Tonge said: "This is tremendous recognition of all the hard work people have done in the village."

In total, 74 villages entered three categories in the competition.

Upper and Lower Seagry came second in the small village category and Charlton came second in the medium village category.