Louise HuddA PEEPING Tom who spied on a naked woman at a tanning studio was spotted when he almost fell through the ceiling.

The pervert, who was tall with short hair, was leering at Louise Hudd, 20, of Sherbourne Road, Trowbridge, as she relaxed in the self-service Consol Suncenter, in New Road, Chippenham.

The filthy spy is thought to have broken into roof space above the shop, using it to gawp at unsuspecting tanners.

Miss Hudd, a nail technician, was relaxing on a sun bed and had the fight of her life when she noticed the man peering down from the rafters.

She said: "I heard a noise above my head and lifted the sun bed to see what it was. As I was closing it again the ceiling fell through and I saw his face.

"I screamed at him, but he refused to move. I was totally naked and he watched as I pulled my clothes on.

"I put my top on back to front and just didn't bother with my underwear. I just wanted to get out of there. Even as I walked out of the door he was still staring at me. It was awful.

"Every time I close my eyes I see half the ceiling hanging off and his horrible, smirking face."

Police are investigating how the pervert got into the roof space and are examining CCTV footage.

Inspector Neil Bagnall, of Chippenham police, said: "We think he went into the salon, got into a booth, climbed on top of the sunbed and into the ceiling space."

He said he could not be sure how long the pervert was operating, although there have been no similar reports.

Jette Jensen, area manager for Consol Suncenter, wants to reassure customers the salon is safe.

"There are panic buttons and sturdy locks in every cabin and CCTV in the communal area to check what is going on," she said.

The firm sent Miss Hudd a bouquet of flowers to apologise. Police want to hear from any witnesses.