Barbara Osmond, left, and her daughter Sarah Curtis, who took part in the Race for Life (30769)CANCER has not stopped one woman living life to the full or from raising money for others with the disease.

Barbara Osmond, 56, of Manor Road, Trowbridge, completed the 5km Race for Life for charity and was joined by her three daughters.

Mrs Osmond has skin cancer and is undergoing radiotherapy for breast cancer but still took part in Cancer Research UK's Race for Life in Salisbury.

Her daughter Sarah Curtis, 30, said: "To see my mum go through it after everything she's been through was amazing.

"Everyone just stood up and applauded when she got to the end.

"She said she was determined to prove to herself she could do the race even if she was having treatment."

After being diagnosed with skin cancer three years ago, Mrs Osmond then discovered she had breast cancer.

She said: "I can't fault the care I've received, it's been amazing. I went into hospital, they found out I had cancer and within a fortnight I'd had the operation. I just wanted to give something back. The race itself was fine until the last few hundred yards when I started to slow down."

She completed the race along with Ms Curtis and her two other daughters, Kim Patrick and Tracey Prodger, and two friends, Pam Palmer and Nicky Hinton. The women managed to raise £2,000 for Cancer Research UK.