Three young brothers from Stockley, Calne, are already preparing themselves for Age Concern Wiltshire pancake races in Devizes.

The event takes place in the Market Place on Tuesday February 16, chosen this year to fit in with the school half-term break.

So Joey, ten, Fin, seven, and five-year-old Lewis Taylor, who took part last year, are already practising their flipping skills and have started to raise sponsorship.

Their mum, Sharon Taylor, said: “They had a great time at last year’s races and are all keen to join in again this year.

“It’s a great event for children and brilliant that they can use the experience to try to raise money for local older people.”

The first race will set off at 12.30pm. The charity’s Big 60 Challenge, aiming to raise £60,000 during its 60th anniversary year, has been extended so that this year’s Pancake Races can benefit the appeal.

Races will take place on the north side of the Market Place. The pancakes to be used by contestants have been generously donated by Mike and Yvonne Wright of the Black Swan Hotel.

Pancakes will also be on sale and proceeds will go to the Big 60 appeal.

To take part, download an entry form from or ring (01380) 710411.