Supermarket giant ASDA has still got the bit between its teeth about breaking into Chippenham and has now applied to the Court of Appeal to overturn the ruling made by the High Court last month.

The chain has so far had its planning application for a massive store at Langley Park rejected by the former North Wiltshire District Council, an independent planning inspector and the High Court in London.

The company is still not satisfied with the result, despite already having submitted a second planning application.

Unitary councillor for Monkton Park Chris Caswell said: "We hear that Asda are now seeking leave to apply to the Court of Appeal on the question of the development of the Langley Park site. "They are clearly pressing on with their original application, despite the judgements made to the contrary by the district council, the government-appointed inspector, and the High Court. "The recent High Court judgement went comprehensively against them, and thereby supported the original refusal of planning permission.

"This latest move may well mean a further, possibly long, delay in deciding on the second Asda application."