Young people in North Wiltshire are invited to join an event tomorrow afternoon to reveal the truth about youth.

The North Wiltshire Young People's Council is staging a half-day event in Chippenham to explore the subject of identity among young people.

Using the slogan Don't Label Me, the event aims to explore differences and break down barriers between groups of young people.

Teenagers are invited to join the free event taking place at the Olympiad Leisure Centre in Chippenham on Saturday from midday until 5pm.

A whole range of activities will be taking place through the afternoon including film making, African drumming, clay modelling and a talk show type discussion.

The event has been organised by the North Wiltshire Young People's Council with support from North Wiltshire District Council and Wiltshire County Council.

The afternoon draws to a close with entertainment from local comedian and former Perrier Award winner Wil Hodgson.