As I am sure you will recall, Ko-Ko the Lord High Executioner to Titipu kept a list of people who annoyed him, who "never would be missed".

Top of my list would by Clarence, that monumental numpty who is the County Hall substitute for a helpline should you wish to complain about the state of the road and who will be, I hope, first in line for the chop when they go unitary.

I phoned Clarence in 2001 to complain about the state of Bath Road and the constant racket we have to endure from HGVs and agricultural vehicles trundling in and out of the potholes.

In September 2001 I received a nice letter from the highways maintenance manager regarding the A361 Northgate to Caen Hill, Devizes, saying: "I have to agree with you that the condition of this section of the A361 is less than ideal and in need of maintenance work."

Since then I have drawn maps, sent photographs and had more than one on-site conference with Clarence clones, and asked my county councillor to apply pressure, which she did, to no avail. To be fair, they have painted yellow marks round the offending holes.

Imagine how pleased I was when they came and did the bit by the brewery and the Kennet offices. What a super job they did, and although there was the odd whinge about delays from disgruntled drivers, not a single complaint from the people who live round there, who were no doubt delighted to have some relief from pot-holes and noise. But why on earth did they stop at Shane's Castle?

When I read in your newspaper last week that the Chamber of Commerce "feels that a by-pass is not the solution" (to traffic problems) I realised that Clarence is not the only numpty, and immediately put them as equal first on my list. Not wishing, like Mr Whitelaw, to stir up apathy, nevertheless perhaps some of your readers might care to suggest a few more?

David Morris High Lawn Devizes