More than £600 has been raised by staff and councillors at North Wiltshire District Council towards a new baby heart monitor at Chippenham Hospital.

The money was raised as part of a summer raffle and dress down day to support the council chairman's nominated charity.

With several rounds of golf at North Wiltshire's premier golf courses, a hot air balloon ride and a £100 voucher towards the price of a canal boat holiday, there was something for everyone.

Chairman Cllr Christine Crisp has chosen the League of Friends of Chippenham Hospital as her charity for the municipal year.

The Chippenham Hospital provides an important service across North Wiltshire and the League of Friends along with Cllr Christine Crisp are supporting the Maternity Unit by raising money towards purchasing a new baby heart monitor.

The baby heart monitor costs between £3,000-£4,000 and the raffle has raised £606 towards that amount.

advertisement Cllr Crisp said: "Everyone has dug deep to help support this very worthwhile cause. The raffle would not have been possible without the generous donations of prizes. The baby heart monitor is an essential piece of equipment which will benefit expectant mums from all over North Wiltshire and I am extremely pleased that staff and councillors are helping me to support the Friends of Chippenham Hospital."