Chairman deignate Jim Little has hailed Swindon Town's new general manager Jose Veiga asthe club's own Jose Mourinho.

He says promotion is the club's goal and Paul Sturrock is part of his plans and saus promotion is trhe , working in tandem with Paul Sturrock, the Championship is an immediate aim.

Town's chairman-designate insists Veiga's appointment is an "unbelievable coup" for the League One outfit and believes his list of "amazing contacts" will put the club in a strong position for an instant promotion challenge.

Little has assured Town fans current manager Sturrock will be allowed to continue doing what he does best, managing the team, but believes he will benefit from Veiga's experience and knowledge at the highest level.

He has also revealed a ground move is high on their agenda while stating his full confidence the club's outstanding debts will be put to bed sooner rather than later.

Veiga, a former Benfica general manager, has represented the likes of Zinedine Zidane, Cristiano Ronaldo and Luis Figo, with Little hoping his presence in Wiltshire could attract some potential stars to the club.

He said: "Bringing Jose to Swindon is an absolutely unbelievable coup, he is like the Jose Mourinho of football management.

"I have been talking to him over the past couple of months and I am really excited about the appointment.

"Believe me Jose is not a guy who needs a job, he would have had to have really wanted to come here and he did.

"The transfer window is now closed so I don't think we will see the best of Jose until January when we get the chance to use his amazing contacts.

"Jose has worked with players like Zidane, Ronaldo and Figo and I am sure Paul would not complain if he could unearth some more players who could one day develop into those world class players. Any manager in the country, in the world, would be glad to have Jose's amazing contacts and experience available to him."

Little insists he understands the cautious welcome his consortium have been met with but is confident, given time, everyone will see the club's interests are everyone's priorities.

He believes Veiga, Sturrock and sporting director Rufus Brevett all have their part to play and is confident a fruitful working relationship will be struck by all concerned.

He said: "I am going to have dinner with Paul Sturrock on Wednesday night, unfortunately Jose won't be there, because he is just clearing up a few things in Benfica.

"I understand that there is cynicism about Jose's arrival but he has had nothing but success wherever he has been.

"Paul Sturrock will have his own ideas as well and I respect that and I am sure we will find a way where we can all work together.

"If the two get on, and it seems like they will, we could have a very exciting managerial partnership on our hands. After all we all want the same thing.

"I will work with Jose at the top, Rufus will look at the day-to-day football programme while Paul Sturrock is the manager and will of course pick the team and carry on doing what he does best."

While reluctant to put an exact time frame on finalising the deal, Little was confident enough to say it would be days rather than weeks.

He said: "We signed the contracts a few weeks ago, now it is with the two sides' lawyers but I am very confident it will all be done within the next couple of days. I really can't foresee any hitches.

"The CVA debts is part and parcel of the investment. I want to get that taken care of as soon as possible. Andrew Andronikou has done a great job making sure the issues of the club were being handled.

"It is paramount to the future of the club because we want to get it back on sound financial footing. We are lucky Andrew is so good at keeping all parties informed."

He continued: "The Premiership is obviously the ultimate dream but we are not naive enough to say that is where we are going because we know it is a very tough league to get into.

"First and foremost we are looking to get into the Championship next season. We want to be in the top three by the end of this season and Jose agrees that has to be the aim.

"He is a confident guy and he clearly sees potential here, like we do.

"He could have stayed at Benfica, a great European club, but he has decided to quit and come here, which shows his commitment to the club."