PLANS for a new housing development in Marlborough have been scaled back from 220 houses to 175.

The Crown Estate have submitted the revisions for the controversial estate, opposite Tesco on land in Salisbury Road, in response to comments received by Wiltshire Council following the original application last year.

In the new plans submitted last week it shows the residential area has been reduced from 7.6 hectare acres to 5.5ha to focus on the visual impact and ecology of the site.

It also includes a larger 'ecological mitigation area’ to provide a buffer, between the edge of the development and the Marlborough tunnel, which will also be used as homes for bats, reptiles and dormice.

This includes a 20m wide belt of tree-planting, a wildflower meadow area with pond, which will be closed to the public, as well as extra fencing separating the development from the surrounding fields.

The road to the entrance of the site has also been widened by half a metre and there will be an additional section of footpath on Salisbury Road and the height of the buildings will be no taller than 160m.

The Crown Estate also still want to build a 60-bed hotel, a new school drop off for St John’s Academy and new walking and cycle routes as part of the development.

More than 70 people have written letters of representation, many expressing fears it could increase traffic on the already congested roads in the town, which the revised plans have not addressed.

Marlborough Town Council recommended the application is approved, while Savernake Parish Council have recommended it be refused.

Wiltshire Council has set the target date for a decision for February.