Seend Fawlty Players’ 36th Village Pantomime

Beauty and the Beast

Seend Community Centre, February 19-21

A couple from Surrey happened upon Seend Fawlty Players’ annual panto several years ago while staying at the caravan site in Sells Green. Since then they have returned at February half-term each year just to see the Players perform again.

If you were in any of the vociferous audiences at Beauty and the Beast on February 19, 20 or 21 this year you would understand their loyalty. While you are never left in any doubt that it is an amateur village pantomime, the fun, the atmosphere and the audience participation are infectious.

Much of the comedy this year came from Andy Nutland and Chris Waylen as Belle’s two man-hunting sisters. Belle herself was delightfully played by Claire Wallis, with Mark Wood (with a splendid phoney French accent) as her long-suffering father.

Josh Hamblin managed to convey the Beast’s transformation from brute to cuddly animal to handsome prince with panache. Younger members of the cast, Ben Wallis, Magnus Galloway and impressive newcomers Lily Steggall and Josh Conboy all rose to the various challenges presented to them as horses, lumberjacks, messenger, artist and onion seller.

Roger Brind and Kath Steggall gave strong performances as the Beast’s servants. Pete Wallis and Molly Hamblin got the audience booing and cheering brilliantly as the Wicked Fairy and Good Fairy respectively.

Paula Mansergh as the magic rose bush and Jackie Hamblin, Anita Shea and Tessa Doe as talking and singing trees moved the story along nicely.

Keyboard accompaniment was provided by Michel Tietz and Lily Steggall played the violin. Anita Shea directed and she and Tessa Doe wrote the script. Nathan Hamblin designed the effective scenery, and an efficient backstage crew kept things going throughout the performance.

Any proceeds from the show will be donated to Seend Community Centre and Wiltshire Young Carers.