Frogwell Primary School in Chippenham has proven its green credentials by securing its first coveted Eco-Schools Green Flag award.

The Eco Warrior club, which has been running at Frogwell since 2008, has transformed the school’s daily routine into one that both saves the school money and benefits the environment.

Simple changes have already cut bills, such as ensuring all unnecessary lights are switched off and recycling paper, cans and other materials.

Eco co-ordinator Steph Farr said: “Obtaining the Green Flag award is something that the whole school and its community can be proud of. Each pupil can take away satisfaction in the knowledge their actions have significantly altered our local environment. It has been a fantastic initiative for all involved.”

Pupils also raised their global awareness by setting up a Fair Trade tuck shop last year with help from Sainsbury’s.

The internationally recognised award symbolises excellence in the field of environmental activity and is assessed in England by Keep Britain Tidy volunteers.