In reply to Val Compton’s letter (‘Bread is not designed for ducks’ May 29) there are alternatives.

The RSPB is aware that people enjoy feeding the ducks.

They say: “It is an excellent way for the public to have contact with birdlife and for toddlers to learn to appreciate ducks, geese and swans later in life.”

So they have suggested other food that is more nutritious than bread for ducks. Here are some of their suggestions: oats and other grains, raw vegetables cut up, lettuce leaves, wild bird seed and swan pellets that float on the water. They can be purchased from pet shops and some vets.

Other wildlife experts have added these: grapes cut in half, frozen peas that have been defrosted, cheese and cracked corn.

Apparently, if the ducks are used to being fed only white bread they may at first spurn these alternatives but if you persist, after a while they can been found fighting for a lettuce leaf.

Fed correctly and not too often the ducks may return to the river next year, so we can all enjoy them and photograph them again.

Jane Condon, Kennet Mews, Marlborough.