Solar farms are another disastrous policy on renewable energy being pursued by the Government. Solar would work well in sunny climes near the equator but not at the latitude of the UK with our short and gloomy days in winter.

This means less electricity is being produced in winter when the demand is highest. None at all is produced at night when conventional power stations have to take up the slack.

The reason why landowners and house owners are keen to install them is because of the large subsidies paid on the feed-in tariffs.

This involves the electricity suppliers paying three or four times the price of conventionally generated electricity.

This subsidy is added to our electricity bills and affects all consumers and those in fuel poverty in particular. These subsidies are not only large but are inflation proofed for many years.

Wind farms and solar farms are causing our beautiful countryside to be industrialised. I cannot see how this is “guarding our beloved landscape”.

David Chandler, Alma Place, Marlborough.