With reference to the applications for more housing in Devizes, Lay Wood has been approved, meaning 250 houses and Coate Road, if approved, will add another 350 houses.

The government says that Wiltshire has to have more houses than originally stated, so where does that put Devizes?

Infrastructure, pollution, traffic congestion and extra school classrooms have been mentioned, but when the subject of health is mentioned, it is conveniently glossed over. It raises that question yet again – what about health facilities?

We have a hospital in Devizes. It holds at least 17 clinics plus therapy classes and is the base for the neighbourhood nursing teams.

It also has two wards, complete with electricity and sanitation, that are being used for storage. There is plenty of space for the urgently needed minor injuries unit.

Why cannot these wards be used for recuperation and rehabilitation, as has been done in Savernake Hospital in Marlborough?

The idea now is to remove the patient from hospital as soon as possible and to send them home, where the neighbourhood teams visit – this is not feasible in many cases where an interim period of care is vital. This must be considered by the powers that be.

We have an active Friends of Devizes Community Hospital that is working hard to get the best facilities for Devizes.

Coun Jane M Burton, Secretary, Friends of Devizes Hospital.