I read with some interest in the Gazette recently about the road crossing on the A429 in Corston. I congratulate Andy Hatherell and the parish council. Common sense has prevailed after 30 years, even if it appears to be a trade-off. Picking up on a point from the article, there is, however, another community on the A429 that doesn’t have a safe crossing, Lower Stanton St Quintin.

When I was on the parish council 15 years ago we campaigned for a safe crossing and a reduction in the speed limit. Eventually, the authority allowed us a reduction to 50 mph and a central island, which brings its own safety problems. The 50mph is seldom adhered to and the road has to be crossed on foot by a large percentage of the community, mostly for access to the bus stops and local shop.

The workplace and school yards are now brimming with health and safety legislation. However, when the wheels of commercialism are at stake, health and safety apparently doesn’t count. So our community will have to continue to play a dangerous game of human skittles with juggernauts approaching at 50mph plus.

The tired phrase ‘an accident waiting to happen’ comes to mind. We have a situation here similar to crossing a motorway on foot.

Ivan Randall, Lower Stanton St Quintin.