May I express my grateful thanks to all the very kind people who helped me when I fell flat on my face at the bottom of the Brittox, Devizes on November14, resulting in a fractured left wrist, a badly pulled muscle in my right leg, a cut face and damaged specs.

Thanks to those who went looking for my friend and her car to cancel my hair appointment and to the staff in the warm Clinton Cards shop who cared for me while I waited for the ambulance car which took me to Chippenham hospital for the first night.

The second night was spent in the RUH and then to the lovely Warminster hospital where I’ve spent almost a month and am now back at home with my arm in a plaster cast.

It was my second fall in ten days, having been blown off my feet by wind outside my door – I was already looking like a giant panda. At 88, I shall remember the kindness of all of you, also my WI friends.

Wishing you Christmas blessings and Happy New Year.

Mrs Gwen Bullock, Durlett, Bromham.