Healthwatch Wiltshire has been working closely with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) about their previous and planned inspections and visits to the Royal United Hospital (RUH) in Bath. The CQC will be inspecting the hospital again on December 4–6.

It is important that they hear from anyone who has recently used health and care services about their experiences to give a full picture of how care is being provided at the hospital.

You can share your views and comments in a number of ways: A survey at https://; via the CQC website on their ‘Tell us about your care’ page: public/sharing-your-experience; by email: or by letter to CQC National Customer Service Centre, Citygate, Gallowgate, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 4PA, by telephone 03000 616161 or by fax 03000 616171; or by attending a listening event for members of the public on December 5, between 6.30–8pm at Bath Racecourse.

At the event you will be able to talk to the CQC about your experience, share your feedback on how improvements need to be made, and find out how the new inspections will be carried out.

Healthwatch Wiltshire, Kingsbury Square, Melksham.