In response to the recent ill will directed towards Wiltshire Council Cabinet’s increased allowances I feel the time has come to stop the vitriol.

The council is an accountable organisation and the increases were recommended by an independent panel in the first review since 2009.

The council is a billion pound business and I would suggest that those managing it are not in it for personal gain. They work long, unsociable hours, often dealing with difficult issues. It must be recognised that the voluntary redundancies that took place this year were part of the streamlining process required as part of making the council more financially viable. The resulting reallocation of roles has meant that those who remain have broader portfolios. The Independent Renumeration Panel felt the Special Responsibility Allowance that cabinet members and portfolio holders receive should be increased to reflect their increased workloads. This is quite different to the below inflation one per cent increase awarded to those back bench councillors.

Our elected council are surely all working for the good of the area and I would hope the public will realise their reward is not even close to the level that would be expected in the private sector. If we are to attract the next generation of high calibre councillors we need to go some way to making the role financially viable.

Claire Markwell, Chairman, Devizes Community Area Partnership.