Gazette reporter Anna Mauremootoo is running the Dublin Marathon on Monday in memory of her uncle.

Miss Mauremootoo, 24, who lives in Devizes and covers the Marlborough area for the Gazette, will be paying tribute to Tony Moroney, 68, who died of lung cancer in March. She aims to raise £1,000 to be split between Cancer Research UK and the British Heart Foundation.

Miss Mauremootoo will be competing with her cousins Andy Harris, 46, and John Moroney, 31.

“In 2004, my uncle Bill died of bowel cancer at just 49 and most recently, with Tony’s death, and we felt this would be a fitting tribute given the marathon is in his home country,” she said.

Mr Moroney lived in Drogheda, near Dublin.

“Fitting in training has been difficult at times and I’ve felt like not doing it but knowing that I will have my family running with me has stopped me from pulling out,” she added.

She is travelling to Ireland with her parents Phil and Janet Mauremootoo.

Miss Mauremootoo said: “I think that the idea of a pint of Guinness at the end is what is going to get me through it.”

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