Details about lorry traffic is needed before vandals can be kept from causing trouble at Pans Lane railway bridge in Devizes.

Wiltshire Council wants to infill the bridge to combat a problem with youths starting fires underneath it. Devizes Area Board agreed the work should go ahead as quickly as possible but wanted the town council’s support. On Tuesday, the town council’s planning committee agreed that the bridge should be infilled as soon as possible.

But councillors were concerned at the lack of detail provided by Wiltshire Council.

Wiltshire Council principal bridge engineer Julian Haines told the town council in an email that about 90 large lorry loads of material would be brought in over two weeks to complete the work. When the Potterne Road railway bridge was infilled a few years ago, residents criticised Wiltshire Council for not informing them. A strategy for future works was later set out after the intervention of then Wiltshire councillor Jeff Ody.

Coun Ody, now a town councillor, said he wanted to ensure the situation was not repeated.