Businessman Rob Merrick is holding a fundraising supper in aid of the cancer charity that is providing ongoing support to his family.

Mr Merrick owns the Farmhouse Cafe in Phelps Parade, Calne, and will hold the supper on October 30 to celebrate a year in business and raise money for Macmillan Cancer Care.

His father Michael, 68, from Halifax, was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer in January after suffering from asbestosis and had to spend months in hospital receiving treatment earlier in the year.

Mr Merrick has already raised £500 for Macmillan, with the help of staff at the café, through a coffee morning, a day of cooking demonstrations and a raffle.

He hopes to bring this total to £1,000 by the end of the year and has planned a menu of winter warming food for guests attending the evening.

Mr Merrick said: “The people who come into the Farmhouse were very supportive of me, because what went on at the start of the year was pretty horrific.

“My dad came down a few weeks ago and they couldn’t believe how well he looked. It’s been hard for me and it still is.

“It’s easier now we have come to terms with it, but we’ve got what’s not going to be a very nice time ahead.”

Last week Mr Merrick sold the premises for his second business Mamma Hanks, an American diner on Beach Terrace, to a new owner who plans to turn it into an upmarket bistro.

Following this he will concentrate on spending time with his family, and also hopes to continue fundraising through a Christmas raffle at the Farmhouse Café.

Mr Merrick said: “At the end of the day my dad is going to need some care, so it’s nice to give something back, and it’s Macmillan which has helped them so far this year. Now I’ve sold the restaurant what it’s done for me more than anything is that I don’t have to focus on Christmas here.”

To book tickets for the charity supper, call (01249) 816048.