Judging by the letters page, many residents have now realised just how much money is, and was, wasted by Wiltshire Council. I wonder how many people would have voted in a different way if they had known that even more staff redundencies were days away from the election. How many would have voted to award the ‘top’ councillors a £20,000 a year increase in allowances?

Then we learn that four directors’ positions will be ‘rebranded’ as part of the council’s cost-cutting and the number will be reduced from 18 to 14, saving £500,000 a year, so presumably each of the four were earning £125,000 per year! Why, after all the ‘cost-cuttting’ of the last few years, has Wiltshire Council still got 18, now 14 directors, and if they are all earning the same, that’s still £1,750,000 being paid to the remaining directors. What do all these directors do? And if they run the council, why have the councillors been awarded such large increases?

When are they going to repair our roads, as Jane Scott promised to do in her election leaflets?

Stuart Eels, John Aubrey Close, Yatton Keynell.