Eligible parents in Wiltshire will be able to apply for free school meals more easily following the launch of a new confidential on-line application process.

Wiltshire Council is working with schools to encourage parents to visit www.wiltshire.gov.uk/freeschoolmeals to check whether their children are eligible for free school meals.

By introducing a more simple way to register, the council hopes to increase the take up rate, as currently one in five children in the county who qualify for free school meals do not claim them.

Every school receives additional funding through a grant called the Pupil Premium, which is calculated based on the number of children registered for free school meals. The government aims to improve the educational attainment of those children by allocating this extra money.

Laura Mayes, cabinet member for children’s services, said: “Many parents might not realise that schools receive extra funding based on the number of children who are signed up for free school meals - even if they don’t take the meals.

“By working with schools, we hope more children will not only benefit from receiving a nutritious midday meal but will also see improved outcomes resulting from the extra money on offer to their school.”