Devizes legal firm Wansbrough’s last week lost five decades of invaluable experience when legal secretary Sue Cremin retired after 47 years with the firm.

Mrs Cremin, from Estcourt Crescent, Devizes, joined the firm straight from school in 1966 as a bright 16-year-old.

She said: “I was at Southbroom Secondary Modern, what is now Devizes School. I knew I wanted to be a secretary and I was very interested in the law. My sister saw an advert for the job at Wansbrough’s in the Gazette so I went up for it.”

After an interview with senior partner Walter Ireland, Mrs Cremin was given the job and worked with Mr Ireland’s son, Ian, who was not only a solicitor, but also an England international hockey player.

Mr Ireland’s connection with the game continued after he was heavily involved in running the England under-21 squad, many of whom went on to take part in the gold-medal winning team in the 1988 Seoul Olympics.

Mrs Cremin said: “I was proud to be involved in that.”

Mr Ireland was involved with probate, convincing Mrs Cremin of the importance of making a will, but as his experience grew, he moved into litigation and other areas of law, as did Mrs Cremin.

She said: “I gained so much experience working with the firm and I hope I am leaving behind a legacy.”

Mrs Cremin has been married to her husband Michael for 43 years and the couple have no children.

Mrs Cremin walked to work from Estcourt Crescent to Northgate Street every day, rain or shine.

Company chairman Stuart McGregor-Johnson said: “Sue Cremin joined Wansbrough’s in Devizes on July 25 1966, just five days before England last won the World Cup at Wembley, when we were a small branch office of a Bristol firm.

“Sue has been an integral part of our development and substantial growth as an independent practice.

“Her dedication to the firm throughout her career as a secretary and PA has been unbroken and is a shining example to all our staff.

“She will be sorely missed by partners, staff and clients alike and I wish her every happiness in the future.”

The company presented Mrs Cremin with an arbour and seat for her garden.