A Chippenham nursery has been classed as outstanding for the second time.

New Road Nursery was given the top grading in all categories of early years provision after an Ofsted visit last month.

After observing the premises and the children at play, examining reports and speaking to five parents on June 10, the inspector said: “The enthusiastic and knowledgeable commitment of the staff team ensures children make excellent progress in all aspects of development.”

She noted children were exceptionally confident and inquisitive, and explored and had confident relationships with playmates and staff.

Leadership and management were judged to be strong, with a clear focus on continuous development of provision and high expectations by management of both staff and children.

They were said to have excellent partnerships with parents, who said they were kept well informed and spoke very positively about the progress their children made.

When re-registered by the owners in 2006, the care was graded satisfactory and the education good. It improved in leaps and bounds over the next few years and has maintained its outstanding classification from 2009.

Assistant manager Pauline Eckersley, who was worked there for about 20 years, said: “What we are most proud of is the communication was exemplary, as was behaviour, with staff being excellent role models. Ofsted raised the bar so it is more difficult to get outstanding now.”

Ofsted advised they could improve by enhancing the outdoor resources so they are inviting and attractive for the children’s use.

The nursery, which has lawned gardens, provides care each weekday from 8am to 6pm for up to 52 children aged up to five.