Brave Liz Bradley plunged into the icy River Avon on Sunday to help save the life of a cygnet near Malmesbury’s weir.

Miss Bradley, 49, was taking photographs of a family of swans by Station Yard when the force of the water flow dragged a cygnet over the weir.

She said: “A few people had gathered at the bank, all anxious to do something to help. It was desperate to hear the cries of the cygnet calling to its parent.

“After some time the adult swan swam away and joined its mate a little way upstream, then the cygnet went quiet. I thought it had drowned, but survival instincts must have driven it away from the weir into calmer waters, and it reached a bank to rest.

“At this point I volunteered to swim over and get it. It was cold and a little awkward swimming fully clothed and holding a big net in one hand, but I was determined to rescue the little wet fluff ball.

“Some people on the opposite bank pointed out its whereabouts and I managed to reach out and grab it and plonk it in the net, to everyone’s relief and cheers.”

Ray Hood, from the Oak and Furrows Wildlife Rescue Centre, oversaw the rescue. Once the cygnet was out of the water he checked it over and warmed it up.

He said: “Liz said she was a good swimmer so we put a lifebelt round her and she swam down the river to get it. We got her and the cygnet safely onto shore but it was completely waterlogged. I dried it all off and checked it over then went in search of the parents.

“We caught up with other swans, but they went berserk. One was protective of the baby but the other one was very aggressive and tried to kill it – attacked the baby and tried to drown it.

“It was really dramatic. I went into the river and was attacked by both swans, but managed to get the cygnet out.

“Liz deserves a great deal of credit.”

The cygnet is now being cared for by Tori Cole, of the wildlife centre, until it can be released back into the wild.