Police community support officer Lil Duncan has lost her long-flowing locks in memory of a close family friend.

Mrs Duncan, PCSO for the Chippenham rural area, marked her 25th birthday by having her head shaved to raise money for Cancer Research UK.

She had it done in memory of Grant Chandler, who grew up with her father Keith Holland and died from the disease.

She said: “Grant was born on the same street as my dad and was like a second dad to me. I’ve always had long hair but I’ve come to terms with it. I think the hairdresser was more nervous than me. At least I won’t have to do my hair when I get up in the morning.

“Every time I get a bit bothered about it I just think of all the money raised.”

Mrs Duncan, who said her husband Alistair had also been supportive, has raised has more than £900 for Cancer Research so far.

To donate, go to www.justgiving.com/ elizabethduncanheadshave