Devizes Carnival will appoint a new artistic director next spring, if funding for the post from the Arts Council is confirmed.

Dave Buxton, who has almost single-handedly raised the profile of the carnival nationally, has expressed his intentions to stand down as artistic director once a new person is appointed, although he will remain on the committee which organises the annual event.

Ian Hopkins, who has been chairman of the carnival, now known as Devizes Outdoor Celebratory Arts, as it also organises the international street festival and Christmas festival, also stood down at last week’s AGM.

Mr Hopkins told the meeting in the town hall last Thursday that the carnival’s centenary celebrations were a triumph, despite the appalling summer weather.

He said: “The centenary procession was one of the biggest that has been seen for many years, in no small part due to the larger number of entrants from local schools.

“We were unable to take the revenue we anticipated on the bank holiday Monday (due to the weather) and that is reflected in our financial statement but, as many other events locally and nationally made huge losses or were even cancelled, it showed that we were able to buck that trend to a large extent.

“Despite the pressure on fund-raising, the carnival enters its second century in excellent shape.”

Mr Buxton told the Gazette: “I will still be around. There will be no gap before the new artistic director is appointed and I will be there for the first year to make the transition as easy as possible.”

The weather improved enough for the carnival procession to be largely dry and the street collection took just under £3,200. It was distributed among local good causes and mayor Kelvin Nash presented cheques to Devizes Budo Club, Devizes and District Link, the Crown Centre, Southbroom School Carnival Committee, Arts Together, Kennet Gateway Club, Five Lanes School Carnival Committee, Devizes and District Guides, Devizes PHAB, First Stages and Wiltshire Air Cadets.

For the last time awards were made to the carnival royalty. It has been decided not to have a carnival queen competition next year but only carnival prince Joshua Minshull was there to receive his award for fundraising.