THIS Conservative government says families matter to them but in reality, actions speak louder than words. So, let’s judge this government on its actions. 
Last week it survived a legal challenge to its policy that the UK spouses of immigrants must earn over £18,600. If they do not, then they risk seeing their families broken up and their loved ones forced to leave.
The implication of Brexit may now mean that EU nationals living and married to UK citizens will be treated in the same way. Even UKIP is on record as saying that those family members of UK citizens who were living here prior to the referendum should have their right to remain respected. 
Not so the Conservative government, who seem hell bent on holding EU nationals living here to ransom while the negotiations with the EU are in progress.
This ‘petty-minded’ attitude is doing untold damage to such families by creating totally unnecessary anxiety. 
Millions of EU citizens have made Britain their home. In doing so they make a very valuable economic and social contribution to our country. 
Those married to UK citizens have made a deep commitment to our country and the role it plays in their family’s future and it is plain wrong that these families should be put under this stress.
This government’s inhuman attitude is creating the same anxiety in reverse on the continent. There, in addition to their now potentially precarious right to remain, British citizens depend on European national health services for their treatment. 
It is time to end this shameful farce and offer cast-iron reassurances to EU citizens already here that they are welcome to stay and use the NHS as required. No doubt that will be followed by the same commitment to British citizens whose home is now on the continent.
If they fail to do this then Conservative politicians would do well to remember that EU citizens have the right to vote for their community representatives in this May’s county elections. Many no doubt will let the Conservatives know how they feel about real family values through the ballot box.
Liberal Democrat Prospective MP for North Wiltshire