More than 140 people had Christmas meals delivered to them from Marlborough and Pewsey Christmas lunch volunteers.

Marlborough organisers said it was a record breaking number, with 70 served, and thanked all the volunteers who spent two days preparing the vegetables, wrapping the presents and cooking the hot food and afternoon tea and for providing the welcome company to people who would have otherwise been along at Christmas.

In Marlborough they put out out a special thank you to Sue Brady Catering for the use of the kitchens, and to Sumblers Butchers for donating the meat.

Meanwhile in Pewsey, another 70 or so people were fed and cheered by the joint efforts of the Pewsey Christmas lunch team and the PCCA, which delivered meals usually served up at Bouverie Hall.

Nigel Lihou has done the annual sit-down Christmas dinner with his colleague Rob King at the Bouverie hall for the past five years.

Ali Kent summed up the village voice by saying: "This year has highlighted the fantastic work that many, many volunteers have done silently and without praise for this and other communities for years.

"Good to see they are getting the recognition they deserve."