WILTON artist and cake maker Julia Bowes has been baking cup cakes - and then giving them to care homes.

The cheery cakes are all hand crafted into colourful floral designs and have been delivered to carers at the Great Western Hospital, Froxfield and Marlborough. The first batch of 48 cakes went down so well that she is now making more and more.

"It's nice to put a smile on people's faces," she said. "Getting ingredients has been the biggest problem. But people have been great donating things like flour when I said I was struggling to find stuff."

Julia, an artist by trade, fell into making novelty cakes as a sideline and says her cottage industry is booming.

"People aren't going out or having parties at the moment, so they are celebrating with a special cake instead," she said.

"I am making one in the shape of a golden retriever for someone's 50th birthday next week. I've already done a weimaraner - so it shouldn't be too difficult," she added.