Judo: This years twinning exchange between Devizes Budo Club and Mayenne Judo Club was held over the weekend of the 13th to the 15th of June.

Having first exchanged with the club in 1974, club members were well aware of the kind of activities required for an enjoyable weekend. The Saturday saw a martial arts session held at the Dojo with half hour lessons from Rick Browning (4th Dan Tae-Kwon Do), Jason Parsons (2nd Dan Judo), Roy Chandler (4th Dan Aikido) and Julian Davies (5th Dan Judo). The senior instructor of Mayenne Club, Vincent Landau (6th Dan Judo) was extremely impressed with the Demonstration of Judo to Music performed by Jason Parsons and Jemima Duxberry.

After the usual exchange of gifts a convoy of cars headed by the club new minibus headed off to Centerparcs for a lively time for the 8 french visitors and club members in the Aquapool Complex. 7 hours later guests and hosts arrived back in town.

Another full on day on the Sunday particularly for Jason Parsons, coach and minibus driver for the children competing in the West of England Judo Championships held in Gloucester. With a strong squad of mainly girls at the event the club returned with 3 Gold medals Amy Oram (U25 Kgs), Pammie Luffman (u36 Kgs) And Rachel McCullar (U57 Kgs). Bronze medals were won by Charlotte Emery (U32 Kgs), Charleigh Millward (U36 Kgs) and Jamie Griggs (U25 Kgs) French guests were meanwhile entertained at Five Lanes Farm, Potterne with a Barbeque and a number of activities including Clay Pigeon Shooting.

The weekend finished with a Disco for guests and members of the Devizes Budo Club at the Devizes Conservative Club and even included guests from other sports. The evening culminated with a Dance off between the French and the English.

The guests departed on Monday morning with a promise to return in late September to take part in the Devizes Open Judo Championships.