Good Morning Britain asked its viewers if they think it’s rude to avoid talking to a hairdresser when attending an appointment and shared the poll results last week (May 17).

While some people look forward to their occasional chin wag with their hairdresser, it’s clear that others prefer to enjoy a moment of peace and quiet while they get pampered.

To further discuss the debate, we decided to ask our readers if they think it’s rude not to talk to a hairdresser when they’re getting their hair done.

Let’s take a look at the results.

Is it rude to avoid speaking to your hairdresser while at an appointment? 

We asked our readers the all-important question and our poll received 135 votes.

13% of those voted for ‘Yes, it’s rude’ while 87% said ‘No, it should be your choice’.

The results (correct on Friday, May 17) of the GMB poll were shown on the show with similar findings to our poll - 77% of voters said ‘no’ while 23% opted for ‘yes’.

Those replying to GMB’s poll which was posted to its X account, shared their thoughts.

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Some said they'd appreciate a silent appointment with one saying: "I always find it fascinating how people don’t pick up on body language - if I’m scrolling through my phone or reading a magazine, I want some peace & quiet! No, I’m not going anywhere nice on my holidays, but you know who is? This celebrity on page 52 & I want to read about it".

Another said: "As a mum of 2, getting my hair cut is a rarity & I yearn for the quiet so would love a silent service."

One said they are on the fence: "Personally I wouldnt be bothered either way, I go to the hairdressers numerous times without the year, I stick to the same place as im happy with it, I always talk but if there was times when we didnt I wouldnt mind as long as I got what I payed for and was happy with the service".