The Apprentice has concluded its 2024 series with Lord Alan Sugar revealing who his latest business partner will be.

Over the course of 12 weeks, the candidates were whittled down to the final two by competing in a number of tense challenges.

This included launching a new team for Formula-E, devising a brand new breakfast cereal and coming up with products to sell on a live TV shopping channel.

The final episode saw boutique fitness studio owner Rachel Woolford and pie company owner Phil Turner go head to head.

Who won The Apprentice 2024?

After the two finalists presented their final pitches to Lord Sugar, the business magnate came to his decision.

He said: “This is a very tough decision, I’ve got to say because I’ve got two very, very credible people in front of me.

“I’ve got Rachel who claims she’s making money and that she’s going to make even more when she gets the second gym up and running – but gyms are, with all due respect, two-a-penny.

“Specialist pies are not and it’s a market that I’m very interested in, but how can I be interested in it if there’s no light at the end of the tunnel.

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: Rachel Woolford and Phil Turner were the final two in the 2024 series of The ApprenticeRachel Woolford and Phil Turner were the final two in the 2024 series of The Apprentice (Image: FreemantleMedia Ltd/BBC)

“There’s a loss-making business at the moment which you tell me is going to turn around and be okay, and that’s my dilemma.”

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Lord Sugar continued: “It’s very, very hard for me. I’m having trouble here. But my gut feeling is telling me that, Rachel, you’re going to be my business partner.”

After being declared the winner, Woolford said landing the investment was “something beyond my wildest dreams”.

All episodes of The Apprentice series 18 are available to watch on BBC iPlayer.