Lacock WI celebrated their 95th anniversary last Friday, when members gathered on the steps at the door of Lacock Abbey to go back in time.

Matilda Fox Talbot started the Lacock branch of the Women’s Institute in 1919, and down the years the group has supported village activities.

Last Friday the group met in the village hall just after lunch, when the hall was decorated with bunting and they ate off vintage crockery.

Gita’s Choir, a 1940s style choir, entertained and WI members joined in with many of the 1940s songs.

A sudden power cut just before their show began could have been a disaster, but in the spirit of the era they soldiered on and sang to music from someone’s iPod.

The entertainment was followed by a vintage tea, after the singing of Jerusalem and Happy Birthday when the cake was cut and photos taken.

Then it was off to the Abbey, to recreate a picture taken in 1944 on the group’s 25th anniversary.

Lacock WI meets on the third Wednesday of the month in the village hall at 7.30pm, and new members are always welcomed.